
Which Is the Best Olive Oil?

Posted by Ruth Mercurio, Professional Olive Oil & Wine Taster on 18th Jul 2022


Which Is the Best Olive Oil?

Have you ever wondered, with so many olive oil stores near me and so many products, how do I choose the best olive oil? Knowing what distinguishes poor or medium quality EVOO from high-quality extra virgin olive oil is essential.

For starters, Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is the highest quality olive oil. An oil from arbequina or Koroneiki olives are named "extra virgin" when the oil is obtained during the first pressing of olives. One of the essential distinctions between authentic extra virgin olive oil and regular olive oil is the absence of processed chemicals. This olive oil will flavor your kitchen and enrich your cuisine with nutrients for you and your family.

What are the essential characteristics of the best extra virgin olive oil:

-Quality certification



Producing a high-quality olive oil takes time. We can compare it to a journey: at first, you will have several questions, and it may be necessary to stop from time to time to ask for help. However, the better you know the road and the more information you have about the challenges, the faster you will reach your destination, and you will be able to enjoy the result. Let's see each property that makes the best olive oil.

Quality certification

Since there are so many brands and they are all sold as the best, how can you know if the oil you buy is high quality? Keep in mind that many companies want to generate more revenue and may lower the quality of their product. Therefore, a good starting point will be to review the product label.

Like what things should you check? The label must contain information that supports the quality of the product. And it should not only state that it's a fantastic product or high quality. Instead, it must have the certification of its quality. For example, We Olive has ensured that our products are reviewed and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the California Olive Oil Council (COOC).

What guarantees that the label contains these certification seals? These seals certify and assure you that each product you obtain contains organic ingredients and processes. For this reason, before buying, check the label and ensure it is certified olive oil .

Certified olive oil


EVOO is highly valued because it gives a full flavor to our meals. And we all care about taste, whether you are a housewife or husband, a foodie, a chef, a restaurant owner, or a health enthusiast. And just like with grapes and wine, the best olive oil taste depends on the type of olive trees used and their processing.

At We Olive, we have ensured that the ingredients are of the highest quality as we collaborate with local growers in California. Thus, our products and processes follow the highest quality standards and conservation protocols that avoid using chemicals to preserve the product. Hence, you can rest assured because when you shop directly from We Olive's olive oil stores , you can get the best extra virgin olive oil from the fields to your kitchen and table.

Nevertheless, there is a wide variety of oils, and this is where personal preference comes into play. And just like with wine, everyone likes a different flavor. The same can be said for olive oil. But the important thing is to try and find the flavor and characteristics you want.


Olive oils vary wildly in price. But as a consumer, it is good to look for products that have great taste and quality but are also environmentally friendly.

In addition, the reality is that various quality products can be costly because they have passed through multiple intermediaries. For this reason, it is best to buy from companies that deal directly with growers. Doing so results in a fresher product and a reasonable price for growers and final consumers. At We Olive, we can maintain fair and affordable prices since we only work directly with growers and artisan producers in California.

Where can you find the best olive oil?

We have discussed the essential characteristics of choosing the best olive oil. Again, this will help you start on this journey to discover all the goodness and benefits of olive oil. Where can you find these products?

If you go to the supermarket or a department store, you will undoubtedly be able to find several options of extra virgin olive oil. But is it the high-quality EVOO you want? It could be compared to expecting to buy a great meal at the supermarket. It is true, you will find something to eat, but it will not be of high quality. For this same reason, authentic California olive oil experts and connoisseurs advise shopping in specialized places.

The main reason is that most stores offer basic commercial grocery products at "low" costs to increase their profits. Yet, most of their so-called "extra virgin olive" brands are not genuine and do not adhere to high-quality standards for certified olive oil.

At We Olive, you can use our olive oil store near me section to find all the variety of high-quality products you are looking for. And we can say without fear of being wrong that our products are of the best quality.

Here you can find a list of available stores and more information on the different products we handle, including aged balsamic vinegar, flavored olive oil, gift boxes, and gourmet foods.

Despite the wide variety of products and competition in the market, we are sure that our products will provide an outstanding culinary experience. How do we know? Due to the high quality of our products, they are among the best sellers.

If you wonder which are the best olive oil stores near me for your next purchase, you don't have to search anymore. You can order your favorite products and make every meal an incredible experience at this online olive oil store. If you have any questions or have a special request, please email us at or call us at 805 238 2900. We will be happy to provide you with personal attention to your needs.

Arbequina olive oil  Koroneiki olive oil